When a bride chooses you as her maid of honor for her upcoming wedding, remember that it is traditionally your responsibility as the maid of honor to plan and carry out the bachelorette party. Start planning early and give yourself enough time to make all the necessary preparations to plan an exciting and safe night of drinks and dancing. Here are some tips to help you plan a successful, safe, and fun bachelorette party.
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Summertime means party time for many people. No school, longer days, and warmer weather provide the perfect opportunity for lots of parties and barbecues, many of which involve copious amounts of alcohol. If you're planning on hosting any parties that involve alcohol during the summertime (or any other time, for that matter,) use these tips to help make sure your guests stay safe.
Feed your guests
Food plays an important role in most parties, but it's especially important when you're serving alcohol.
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Prom night is an exciting night for teenagers, and it's exciting for parents as well—it's a milestone in your child's life that you'll want to look back and remember fondly. However, prom night is also a real source of concern for many parents.
Traditionally, teens stay out all night long on prom night. This comes with a few risks: inebriated or overtired drivers, experimentation with drugs and alcohol, and generally risky behavior being high on the list.
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